“Bene diagnoscicur, bene curator” – “Well made diagnosis means good treatment” Hippocrates Complex diagnostics is a survey technique, which makes it possible to determine existent derangements, functional teeth overload and to institute therapy.
As it is known, the dentition consists of jaws, temporomandibular joints, masticatory musculature, nerves, vessels, salivary glands, lymph nodes, teeth with their occlusal complex and parodentium tissues. Being healthy, these components function physiologically and morphologically synchronously. Derangements, changes or diseases of one of the components of masticatory system may influence the condition of its other structures. Complex diagnostics is carried out according to the examination design with subsequent discussion of results with a patient and treatment planning at general consultation.
Complex diagnostics includes:
- Patient’s primary inspection:
- patient complaints
- dental history taking
- physical examination data filling
- dental formula filling
- parodontic card filling
- oral cavity physical examination
- oral hygiene index determination
- upper and lower jaw impression taking for making of diagnostic casts
- Orthopantomography – which is a panoramic image of teeth and temporomandibular joints.
- Teleradiography – an image which makes it possible to define a skeletal jaw relation, the height of face lower one-third, occlusal plane angle of slope, etc.
- Upper and lower jaw casts analysis in articulator – a device which displays the movements of the lower jaw.
- Clinical and functional diagnostics card filling, which includes general medical and dental history data, determination of the occlusal index, palpation of muscles and temporomandibular joints, neurologic examination, occlusion analysis.
- Photostatic analysis (photos in different projections).
- Bio-JVA device Is a modern computerized noninvasive screening method that allows determining changes (problems) that occur in temporal-mandibular joint since the early stages – no complaints and other ailments – (disc displacement without reduction, partial disc displacement with reposition, degenerative joint lesions, primary degenerative joint lesions, progressive degenerative joint damage), depending on the nature of waves.
- T-Scan III is a noninvasive device modern art computerized reliable and easy to use in diagnosis, which identifies and analyzes the compression strength of the teeth (bite) using disposable sensor thickness of the sheet of paper.
- Irreplaceable diagnostic device
- Improve the quality of treatment
- Decrease the duration of treatment
- Provides high comfort after dental treatment and prosthetics installation
- Determine interdental contacts
- Rate force that press each tooth during biting
- Rate displacement of the center-occlusion during mastication function
- Analyze the dynamic occlusion.
- BioEMG III– device is specifically designed for recording data on craniofacial muscle activity, both in working order as well as at rest. Application of Myography allows you to:
- Remove tension on the jaw muscles;
- Perform preventive TMJ pathologies;
- To get rid of headaches and jaw;
- reduce abrasion and more.
- JT-3D– tracking device JT-3D jaw movements was specifically designed to dignose condition / pathology of masticator organ .Device is designed and developed in accordance with the latest standards of Kinesiology to mandibule.Through FGM sensors (magnetometer ferosondic) can increase the linear range of the tracking device by 50% compared to other tracking devices. The mounting system allows quick and easy installation of the device with the proper distribution of weight, while it does not reach the patient’s face.
- If necessary, the patient is sent for further investigation:
- laboratory investigations
- microbiological tests
- general analysis of blood
- allergy tests
- Interdisciplinary consult.
Functional Complex Diagnoses is available for you
- Mandatory screening exam one time in year to detect early disorders without clinical symptoms, prevention of complications after restorative and prosthetic dentistry.
- Have you had, or plan a significant amount of dental treatment (dental implants, restorations, metal-ceramic implants, zirconium, vinire, and other costly works)
- You have an increased wear of tooth enamel
- Have you had prostheses
- You incorrect bite, bruxism, TMJ clicks joint during chewing or speech, headaches, disproportionate development of jaws, odontoloxia, etc.
Complex functional diagnostics is one of the main survey techniques during the planning of surgical treatment (implantation), which makes it possible to determine the conditions under which future construction supported on implants will function and to eliminate an occlusal trauma, which can be the proximate cause of implant loss in future.