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Tooth implantation

Tooth implantation

Patients with missing teeth problem are recommended to do a dental implantation for the purpose of rational prosthetics. After meticulous examination (X-ray examination including computed tomography of maxillofacial area, laboratory research, allied specialist consultations) doctors identify indications and contraindications to this method of treatment, it’s stages and determine whether there is a necessity of additional operative interventions. The department of dental surgery conducts all kinds of tooth implantation – both one- and two-phase with the use of different techniques: dental implant installation just after removal of tooth, in 6-8 weeks after the removal and also instead of teeth removed (or that came out) long ago. When conditions are favorable for that immediate loading is possible, that is immediate crown fixing on installed implant. For one visit patients go out of the clinic with “new temporary teeth” and confident smile. Our medical centre applies the implants from leading manufacturers such as Tooth implantation Alpha Bio; A.B.; AlphaDent; ADIN(Israel), IHDE Dental (Switzerland), TEKKA(France) and others.

Implantarea dentara
  Dental implant – is an artificial tooth. It is usually made of pure titanium. Dental implant is very solid and reliable artificial tooth. Implanturile dentare sunt realizate din materiale cum ar fi titan pur.In anumite conditii osul creste in implant si apoi imobilizeaza puntile sau coroanele. Un implant dentar este un dinte foarte rezistent si de durata. Aceasta tehnologie ofera o a doua sansa pentru cei cu probleme grave de lipsa dentara. Currently, tooth implantation is an actively developing area. This technique is really sure and effective. The multitude of people in the world are the lucky men to have dental implants installed, which makes it possible for them to feel another life quality, with reliable teeth, without removable dentures. Implantation is a complicated and important procedure. Tooth implantation experience keeps on accumulating and being critically appreciated. Currently, world statistics shows that only 2-3 % of implants installed following all necessary rules and with no contraindications may be not acclimated (98 % of success).

Tooth implantation

One-phase technique often presupposes application of nonseparable construction of an implant, the bearing head of which protrudes in oral cavity. The bone bed preparation is implemented both with the use of bloodless technique (with the use of a perforator) without suturing and by means of incision of mucous tunic and periosteum, that is performed along the alveolar bone crest only, then doctor peels two mucoperiosteal flaps off, fixes an implant and puts in stitches. Two-phase technique starts with the intraosteal element installation. Then, in some certain period of time, gingival cuff shaper or abutment is installed over this element. This technique is the most popular one. One more popular implantation technique is the implant installation directly into a dry socket (immediate implantation). For this case two-phase screw or cylindrical implants are usually used. Tooth extraction should be done without socket edge injury (atraumatic). After the extraction the partial bone bed preparation goes. It is done in order to attain congruence of implant and socket surface. Then the implant is installed, mucous tunic of socket edges is mobilized and a wound is sutured. In case of gap formation between the implant and bundle bone after implant installation it should be filled with osteoconductive and (or) osteoinductive material; when necessary, isolated with a membrane. Then the wound should be sutured. Osteoplastic surgery – the basis of modern implantology The major factor of successful implantation is the availability of anatomic conditions that is the availability of sufficient volume of bone tissue necessary for implant installation and further functional load on it. Sometimes having consulted a doctor, you may have your implant installation denied owing to lack of bone tissue volume. In such a case one should apply at medical centre, where the bone tissue volume augmentation procedure is not a problem. Here different techniques of bone grafting are applicable and osteoplasty is often combined with implantation in one operation.

As an example: upper jaw bone height is just 4 mm, that is insufficient for implant installation without preliminary bone grafting. In terms of classical technique bone grafting is done first (sinus-lift), implantation can be carried out in 3-6 months only. Taking into account implant’s time of establishing on the upper jaw (which is 3-4 months), all treatment period stretches out nearly for a year. But the use of microthreaded implants makes it possible to install them at the same time with the sinus-lift operation.