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The best from Moldova

Today, professionals are made available to use the latest technology, which helps physicians to establish the correct diagnosis and avoid mistakes in establishing the treatment plan.

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Doru Agapi
Grigorii Iovu
Andrian Buciceanu
Rodica Tonu

Your Smile - Our Priority!

Dental prosthetics

The Prostethic doctor is the one that deals with a final stage of dental treatment: full anatomical and functional renovation of dentition.

Tooth implantation

Patients with missing teeth problem are recommended to do a dental implantation for the purpose of rational prosthetics. After meticulous examination (X-ray examination including computed tomography of maxillofacial area, laboratory research.

Tooth restoration

Restoration room is one of the most expected for a patient as it is the place of aesthetic treatment implementation  Tooth restorationIs the regeneration of damaged tooth tissues with taking into consideration all aesthetic and functional peculiarities.

Hygiene and Prophylaxis

Our overall health depends on the condition of oral cavity. In addition, healthy gums and teeth positively influence the prestige, success and mood.

X-Ray Diagnostics

IovuDENT X-ray diagnosis cabinet offers such services as: Orthopantomography(Sirona-Ortophos XG+ with over 10 operating programs) TSA – Transverse panoramic tomography of various regions of the maxilla and mandible. Cephalometry Radiovisiograph (Sirona-Heliodent Vario)

Functional Diagnostics

“Bene diagnoscicur, bene curator” – “Well made diagnosis means good treatment” Hippocrates Complex diagnostics is a survey technique, which makes it possible to determine existent derangements, functional teeth overload and to institute therapy.

Official representatives of the companies


  • The dentist Cristina Vârlan is of a perfect professionalism.

    Dan Mereacre
  • A team of professionals, I mention those who worked on the treatment of my teeth, Dr. Grigore IOVU, Andrian Buciuceanu, Dr. Rodica TONU.Simply people with golden hands, and their work of course has results.I thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    Elena Mirca
  • Dear creators of beautiful and happy smiles! Congratulations on the international and professional day of the dentist! We wish you health, moral, physical, good luck and professional development. Lots of fun and beautiful achievements continuously !!!

    Sîrbu Anton

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